Monday, February 15, 2016

Jil Jung Juk - Praiseworthy!!

 Jil Jung Juk (JJJ)  directed by Deeraj Vaidy ,has certainly warmed upto to it's pre-release expectations,as it doesn't take the long taken route followed in Tamil Cinema,breaking all the stereotypes and producing a movie that will satisfy the creamy layer audience audience,yearning for a "Tarantino" or may be a "David Fincher or Guy Ritchie" kinda movie in Tamil.
          **No spoilers ahead!!
            Hats off to Actor cum Producer Siddarth for going ahead with such a different script and encouraging youngsters to aspire in making such films.Certainly his efforts will pay rich dividends in the near future!

           The movie,being partly a Road movie,has its fair share of minuses,be it the Screenplay which lags in the second half,or the over-utilization of the character artists,but,the Director has to be patted on his back for coming out with a such breezy and fresh characterizations,as each character in the movie,be it the the main leads Jil(Siddarth),Jung(Avinash Raghudevan) and Juck(Sananth Reddy),score admirably in every scene.Also his attention to detail is visually pleasing as the scene showing the Petrol Silo blast and the following events are a treat to watch.Though most scenes seem to be heavily inspired from the 'Tarantino's' and 'Guy Ritchie's',It's an altogether different viewing experience for the normal Tamil Audience.

          Special mention to Mohan Ramakrishnan,who has written the dialogues along with the director Deeraj.Most part of JJJ falls under Adult or Slapstick comedy,which mostly work out,particularly the the voice modulation of character "PAI",showing the Director's connect to the everyday happenings.Though,it has to be admitted that,this brand is not entirely suited for Tamil Audience,not as of now,.

       "Vishal Chandrasekar"-This name could become a household name in a few years time,as this talented musician has taken the bold attempt in experimenting with such innovative and out-of the box thinking,particulary the Carnatic Dubstep,which few others might have been able to pull off.His BGM too elevates the cast's screen presence big time,reiterating the fact that Tamil Industry is in good hands like VC,Santosh Narayanan etc.Take a Bow,Sir!You certainly killed it!

     In a praiseworthy attempt,The crew has decided to trim the film's running time,based on audience feedback,which is a welcoming sign.Such activities lead to a mutual bonding between the makers and the common audience,resulting in harmony.

   Instead of just brooding on how better the movie could have been made,People have to come out of their shells and start supporting such kind of movies,for the eventual betterment in quality,which has been on the downside,ever since the turn of the Millenium in Tamil Cinema.
   Or else,JJJ could be another "Anbe Sivam" in the making!!!!

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